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Dr. Romaric Serge Lokossou | Agriculture | Academic Excellence Award

👤 Dr. Romaric Serge Lokossou, Institut National des Recherches Agricoles du Bénin, Benin

Romaric Serge Lokossou is a dedicated researcher specializing in agroforestry and sustainable agricultural practices. With an Agricultural Engineer Degree earned in 2011, he quickly established himself in regional and international projects focused on biodiversity, soil fertility, and forest ecosystems. Following his PhD in Agronomic and Water Science in 2018, Dr. Lokossou joined the National Institute of Agricultural Research in Benin as an Agroforestry Specialist. His work has significantly contributed to the development of resilient agricultural systems and biodiversity conservation, particularly through cashew agroforestry initiatives. His extensive experience and leadership in projects across Benin and the Sahel region demonstrate his unwavering commitment to sustainable agricultural innovation.

Professional Profile


Summary of Suitability for the Research for Academic Excellence Award

Dr. LOKOSSOU Romaric Serge demonstrates exceptional qualifications for the Research for Academic Excellence Award. His academic journey, beginning with an Agricultural Engineer degree and culminating in a PhD in Agronomic and Water Sciences, showcases a commitment to academic and professional development. With extensive experience in agroforestry and biodiversity management, Dr. Lokossou has significantly contributed to sustainable agriculture and forest ecosystems in Benin and the Sahel region.

Dr. Lokossou’s research contributions, including several high-impact projects on integrated soil fertility, biodiversity conservation, and agroforestry systems, highlight his dedication to addressing critical environmental challenges. His leadership in multi-national projects and consultancy work, such as developing biodiversity reports and ecosystem assessments, underscores his influence in shaping sustainable agricultural practices and policies. His published works, including six books and peer-reviewed journal articles, reflect the depth and breadth of his expertise.

🎓 Education

Dr. Lokossou’s academic foundation is rooted in agronomic sciences and environmental sustainability. He obtained his Agricultural Engineer Degree in 2011, which equipped him with expertise in soil fertility, water management, and agroforestry systems. His quest for advanced knowledge led him to pursue a PhD in Agronomic and Water Science, which he earned in 2018 from the University of Abomey-Calavi. His doctoral research focused on integrated soil fertility management and forest ecosystem sustainability in the “Trois Rivières” forest in Benin. Throughout his academic journey, Dr. Lokossou combined rigorous research with practical applications, bridging the gap between theory and impactful solutions. His education reflects a deep understanding of sustainable agricultural systems and biodiversity conservation.

💼 Professional Experience

Dr. Lokossou has a wealth of experience in agricultural research and biodiversity conservation. Between 2011 and 2014, he worked as a Research Assistant on the Regional INuWaM Project, focusing on sustainable nutrient and water management. From 2015 to 2020, he served as Chief Assistant in Biodiversity and Management Services at Benin’s Forest Research and Training Centre. Since 2020, he has been an Agroforestry Specialist at the National Institute of Agricultural Research in Benin, where he leads projects on cashew agroforestry and sustainable agricultural systems. His consultancy roles include contributions to national biodiversity reports and evaluations of ecosystem services. Dr. Lokossou’s expertise spans project leadership, academic research, and practical implementation, making him a key figure in agricultural innovation.

🏅 Awards and Recognition

Dr. Lokossou’s work has garnered significant recognition for advancing sustainable agricultural practices. As a key contributor to the INuWaM Project (2011-2014), he received commendations for his efforts in improving nutrient and water management across the Sahel region. His contributions to biodiversity and forest ecosystem conservation earned him national accolades, including acknowledgment for his role in preparing Benin’s Sixth National Report to the Convention of Biological Diversity. Additionally, his leadership in agroforestry research has been highlighted in both regional and international scientific forums. Dr. Lokossou’s published works and active participation in consultancy projects underscore his impact on the global stage.

🌍 Research Skills On Agriculture

Dr. Lokossou is skilled in agroforestry systems, integrated nutrient management, and biodiversity conservation. His research focuses on sustainable soil fertility management, forest ecosystem restoration, and climate adaptation strategies. He excels in project management, having led multidisciplinary teams in international collaborations. Dr. Lokossou is proficient in data analysis, scientific reporting, and policy formulation for sustainable agriculture. His work bridges scientific innovation and practical application, ensuring research outputs directly benefit farming communities and ecosystems. With a strong publication record and a research interest score of 58.4, Dr. Lokossou continues to advance knowledge in sustainable agricultural systems and environmental conservation.

📖 Publication Top Notes

1.Title: Tropical rainforest agroecosystems sustainability by efficient Soil fertility and water management: Case of “Trois Rivières” forest reserves in Benin
Authors: Romaric Serge Lokossou, Irénikatché Pierre Bienvenu Akponikpè, Augustin Orou Matilo, Romuald Davakan, Romain Glele Kakai, Jean Cossi Ganglo, Guy Apollinaire Mensah
Citation: DOI: 10.1016/j.nexres.2024.100115
Year: 2025-03
Type: Journal Article

2.Title: Arbres-mères d’anacardier performants sélectionnés pour la production de plants greffés au Bénin
Authors: Kouami N’Djolossè, Adolphe Azonkpin, Romaric Serge Lokossou, Abbas Saka, Raoul Worou Yabi, Marius E. S. Agassounon, Fortuné T. Ogouvidé
Citation: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16176.06405
Year: 2024-10
Type: Other

3.Title: Coûts d’installation d’un hectare de plantation d’anacardiers greffés au Bénin
Authors: Kouami N’Djolossè, Romaric Serge Lokossou, Kassimou Issaka, Fortuné Ogouvidé, Siaka Kodjo
Citation: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11981.76003
Year: 2023-04
Type: Other

4.Title: Fragmentation des habitats et conservation des grands mammifères dans les forêts soudaniennes
Authors: Romaric Serge Lokossou, Josué Kpétéré, M’Mouyohoun Kouagou, Armand Kuyema Natta, Ismael Toko
Citation: Part of ISSN: 1840-7099
Year: 2022-09
Type: Journal Article

5.Title: Integrated Soil Fertility Management to Address Food Security and Enhance Forest Ecosystems Sustainability
Authors: Romaric S. Lokossou, Gaston S. Akouèhou, Irénikatché P. B. Akponikpè, Romuald Davakan, Romain Glele Kakai, Jean Ganglo
Citation: DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-51210-1_189
Year: 2021
Type: Book Chapter

6.Title: Les bonnes pratiques de récolte des plantes médicinales (PM)
Authors: Augustin OROU Matilo, Romaric Serge Lokossou, WOUINSOU Thomas, GBAGUDI Roméo, AKOUEHOU S. Gaston, DAGBENONBAKIN G. Dieudonné
Citation: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32533.84963
Year: 2021
Type: Other

Authors: Romaric Serge Lokossou, Augustin OROU Matilo, Gaston Sèhounkpindo Akouehou
Citation: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.17486.78401
Year: 2021
Type: Book

8.Title: Effets et cartographie des espèces exotiques et autochtones envahissantes dans les zones agro-écologiques
Authors: Augustin OROU Matilo, Romaric Serge Lokossou, Ange Herman P. KOTIN, Giovani ADEKAMBI, Roméo GBAGUIDI, Noël F. GANGBE, Gaston Sèhounkpindo Akouehou
Citation: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.27553.11363
Year: 2021-03
Type: Book

9.Title: Etat des services écosystémiques et évaluation des innovations pour leur utilisation durable au Bénin
Authors: Romaric Serge Lokossou, Augustin OROU Matilo, Gaston Sèhounkpindo Akouehou, Essè Florentin Dissou
Citation: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.34264.00007
Year: 2021-03
Type: Book

10.Title: Fiche Technique sur la Carbonisation avec la meule Casamançaise (Français-Fon)
Authors: Roméo G. C. Gbaguidi, Romaric Serge Lokossou, Augustin OROU Matilo, Apollinaire Gnanvi, Martial Adounkpe, Gaston Akouehou, G. Dieudonné Dagbénonbakin
Citation: DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35050.43204
Year: 2020-10-05
Type: Other


Romaric Serge Lokossou | Agriculture | Academic Excellence Award

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