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Mr. Harinandan Tunga | Combinatorial Optimization | Best Researcher Award 

Mr. Harinandan Tunga RCC Institute of Information Technology, India

Author Profile

Harinandan Tunga: A Journey of Academic Excellence and Professional Dedication 🎓

Early Academic Pursuits 📘

Harinandan Tunga embarked on his academic journey with a Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science & Engineering from the University of Kalyani, Kolkata, India, in 2003. He further honed his technical expertise by earning a Master of Engineering in Computer Science & Engineering from the West Bengal University of Technology, Kolkata, India, in 2007. Currently, he is pursuing a PhD in the field of Optimization Techniques under the supervision of Dr. Samarjit Kar and Dr. Debasis Giri.

Professional Endeavors 💼

Since June 2004, Harinandan Tunga has been serving as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science & Engineering at RCC Institute of Information Technology, Kolkata, India. His responsibilities include academic teaching and supervising research scholars, demonstrating a strong commitment to fostering the next generation of engineers and researchers.

Contributions and Research Focus 🔍

Harinandan Tunga’s research area focuses on Optimization Techniques, a field critical to various engineering and technological applications. His dedication to this area is evidenced by his ongoing PhD research, contributing to advancements in optimization methodologies. Additionally, he has co-invented a security device, showcasing his practical contributions to technology and innovation.

Accolades and Recognition 🏅

Throughout his career, Harinandan Tunga has been recognized for his outstanding contributions and leadership. He received the Chairman’s Excellence Award in 2016 for his exceptional service as Head of the Department from March 2013 to December 2016. His efforts in leading the department to achieve NBA accreditation for three years were particularly commendable. Furthermore, he received a letter of appreciation from Professor P. K. Das, Dean Academics at RCCIIT, for his work as HOD.

Impact and Influence 🌟

Harinandan Tunga’s influence extends beyond his immediate academic environment. As Head of the Department, he successfully led initiatives that enhanced the academic standards and reputation of the department. His leadership has left a lasting impact on both faculty and students, inspiring a culture of excellence and continuous improvement.

Legacy and Future Contributions 🌠

With a strong foundation in research and a proven track record in academic and administrative roles, Harinandan Tunga is poised to continue making significant contributions to the field of optimization techniques and computer science education. His legacy is characterized by a commitment to academic excellence, innovative research, and dedicated mentorship. As he continues his PhD and further research, his future contributions are anticipated to drive forward the boundaries of technology and optimization.

Publication Top Noted:🏅

Mr. Harinandan Tunga | Combinatorial Optimization | Best Researcher Award

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