Dr. Zhenkun Wang | Computer Science | Best Researcher Award

Dr. Zhenkun Wang | Computer Science | Best Researcher Award

 Doctor.Zhenkun Wang, Southern University of Science and Technology, China

Author Profile

Zhenkun Wang: A Trailblazer in Computational Intelligence and Optimization 🚀

Early Academic Pursuits 📚

Zhenkun Wang embarked on his academic journey at Xidian University in China, where he earned his Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering in December 2016. His doctoral thesis, “The Study of Selection and Reproduction in Decomposition Based Multi-objective Optimization Algorithms,” laid a strong foundation for his future research endeavors.

Professional Endeavors 🏫

Dr. Wang’s professional career began as a Research Fellow at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore from February 2017 to February 2019. Here, he focused on multi-objective optimization and flight scheduling of unmanned aircraft vehicles. He then moved to the City University of Hong Kong (CityU) as a Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Computer Science, where he worked on manufacturing planning and decomposition-based multi-objective optimization until March 2020. Currently, Dr. Wang serves as an Assistant Professor at the Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) in Shenzhen, China, in the School of System Design and Intelligent Manufacturing. His research areas include computational intelligence, multi-objective optimization, machine learning, supply chain management, and data-driven design optimization.

Contributions and Research Focus 🔬

Dr. Wang’s research is diverse and impactful, spanning several key areas:

  • Multi-objective Optimization: Developing algorithms that optimize multiple conflicting objectives simultaneously.
  • Neural Combinatorial Optimization: Combining neural networks with combinatorial optimization techniques.
  • Heuristic Algorithm and Machine Learning: Creating heuristic methods integrated with machine learning for better optimization solutions.
  • Surrogate Assisted Optimization: Using surrogate models to enhance the efficiency of optimization processes.
  • Medical Image Processing: Applying optimization techniques to improve the accuracy and efficiency of medical imaging.

Accolades and Recognition 🏆

Dr. Wang’s work has been recognized with several prestigious awards and honors:

  • Second Prize of Natural Science Award, China Simulation Federation (CSF), 2023
  • Young Scientist Award, The 6th Academic Conference on Intelligent Optimization and Scheduling, 2023
  • Second Place Award, The 7th SUSTech Teaching Competition for Young Teachers, 2023

Impact and Influence 🌍

Dr. Wang has secured significant research grants, underscoring his influence in the field:

  • National Natural Science Foundation of China (62106096): Research on the impacts and coping strategies of dominance-resistant solutions in evolutionary multi-objective optimizations (RMB 300,000).
  • Characteristic Innovation Project of Universities in Guangdong Province (2022KTSCX110): Research on efficient methods for the large-scale vehicle routing problem (RMB 80,000).
  • Shenzhen Technology Plan Project (JCYJ20220530113013031): Research on an intelligent logistics system with loading and transportation (RMB 300,000).
  • National key research and development plan project: Key technologies of polytetrafluoroethylene and its composites for high power radio frequency microwave (RMB 500,000).
  • National Natural Science Foundation of China (61373111): Research on immune multi-objective integrated clustering method for automatic segmentation of SAR images (RMB 710,000).
  • National Natural Science Foundation of China (61672405): Information kernel optimization and analysis based on co-evolutionary learning in personalized recommendation systems (RMB 630,000).

Legacy and Future Contributions 🌟

Dr. Wang’s contributions to the fields of computational intelligence and optimization continue to drive innovation and excellence. His work not only advances theoretical understanding but also has practical implications in areas such as supply chain management, manufacturing, and medical imaging. As he continues his research and teaching, Dr. Wang is poised to leave a lasting legacy in the scientific community, inspiring future generations of researchers and practitioners.


Publication Top Noted:🏅

Dr. Srinivas Kolli | Computer Science | Best Researcher Award

📘 Early Academic Pursuits

Dr. Kolli Srinivas embarked on his academic journey with a passion for computer science and engineering. His formative years were characterized by a deep commitment to learning and an unwavering curiosity about the world of technology. His academic pursuits laid a strong foundation for a future characterized by scholarly excellence and innovative research.

🏛️ Professional Endeavors

With over 15 years of rich experience in academia and research, Dr. Srinivas has established himself as a distinguished educator and researcher. His professional journey is marked by significant contributions to teaching, research, and academic administration. As an Assistant Professor, he has excelled in fostering student engagement and learning, utilizing innovative teaching methodologies to inspire the next generation of computer science and engineering professionals.

📚 Contributions and Research Focus

Dr. Srinivas’s research interests encompass a broad spectrum of cutting-edge topics, including Data Science, Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning, Soft Computing, Cloud Computing, Internet of Things (IoT), Blockchain, and Cybersecurity. His prolific research output is evidenced by his numerous publications in reputable journals and conferences, with significant citations and a notable h-index. His contributions to the academic community include:

  • Scopus Indexed Journal Publications: 10
  • Web of Science (SCI) Publications: 2
  • International Journal Publications: 9
  • Book Chapters in Scopus: 8
  • Conferences in Scopus: 4
  • Overall Publications: 31

🏅 Accolades and Recognition

Dr. Srinivas’s scholarly excellence has been recognized through various awards and accolades. He has published four patents and authored two textbooks on machine learning, which serve as valuable resources for students and researchers alike. His patents include:


🌍 Impact and Influence

Dr. Srinivas’s influence extends beyond the confines of his institution. As a life member of the International Association of Engineers (IAENG) and the Teaching and Education Research Association (TERA), as well as a member of the Society of Digital Information and Wireless Communications (SDIWC), he actively contributes to the global academic community. His role as an editorial board member and reviewer for various esteemed journals further underscores his commitment to advancing knowledge and fostering scholarly dialogue.

🌟 Legacy and Future Contributions

Dedicated to upholding the highest standards of academic integrity, diversity, and inclusivity, Dr. Srinivas strives to create a nurturing learning environment that empowers students from diverse backgrounds to thrive and succeed. His vision for the future involves continued growth, innovation, and service in the academic realm. He is poised to make significant contributions to the academic community, shaping the future of computer science and engineering education through his interdisciplinary collaborations and impactful research initiatives.

🌱 Legacy and Future Contributions

Dr. Srinivas’s enduring legacy lies in his unwavering dedication to education and research. As he continues to inspire and mentor future generations of scholars, his contributions will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on the field of computer science and engineering. His commitment to excellence, innovation, and collaboration ensures that he will remain a pivotal figure in academia, driving progress and fostering a culture of knowledge and discovery.

Publication Top Noted:🏅

Anjali | Deep learning.machine learning | Best Researcher Award

Ms. Anjali T | Deep learning, machine learning | Best Researcher Award🏆

Amrita School of Engineering, India

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits:

Anjali T began her academic journey with a strong foundation in Computer Science and Engineering, earning her MTech degree from Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri Campus, in 2013. Her early academic pursuits reflect a deep-seated interest in technology and its applications.

Professional Endeavors:

Transitioning into the role of an Assistant Professor at the Amrita School of Engineering in 2017, Her embarked on a path of shaping young minds while delving deeper into her research interests. Her professional endeavors showcase a blend of teaching, research, and innovation.

Contributions and Research Focus:

Her contributions to the field of Computer Science and Engineering are notable, particularly in areas like image processing, computer vision, and machine learning. Her 14 years and 6 months of teaching experience have been marked by a commitment to advancing knowledge through scholarly publications and active participation in research projects.

Accolades and Recognition:

Her academic achievements include the publication of 117 research papers in prestigious conferences and journals such as IEEE Sensors and IEEE Access, along with the filing of two patents and three more in progress. Her work has been recognized through a cumulative impact factor of 311 over the last three years, highlighting the significance of her contributions to the academic community.

Impact and Influence:

Her impact extends beyond academia, with a focus on translating research outcomes into tangible solutions. Her collaborative efforts in research projects and patents demonstrate a drive for innovation and problem-solving, making a tangible impact on technological advancements.

Legacy and Future Contributions:

Her legacy lies in her dedication to R&D, innovations, and extension activities. As she continues her Ph.D. journey and further refines her expertise in deep learning and machine learning, her future contributions are poised to make substantial strides in advancing knowledge and driving technological progress.


A total of 514 citations for Her publications, demonstrating the impact and recognition of Her research within the academic community.

  • Citations        514
  • h-index          12
  • i10-index       18

Notable Publications 

Face recognition based attendance system using haar cascade and local binary pattern histogram algorithm
BT Chinimilli, T Anjali, A Kotturi, VR Kaipu, JV Mandapati

Deep learning for network flow analysis and malware classification
RK Rahul, T Anjali, VK Menon, KP Soman

Machine learning based approach for detection of lung cancer in dicom ct image
C Dev, K Kumar, A Palathil, T Anjali, V Panicker

Secure file storage using hybrid cryptography
P Bharathi, G Annam, JB Kandi, VK Duggana, T Anjali

Driver drowsiness detection
K Satish, A Lalitesh, K Bhargavi, MS Prem, T Anjali

IoT based smart bin: a swachh-bharat initiative
A Praveen, R Radhika, MU Rammohan, D Sidharth, S Ambat, T Anjali

Dimensionality reduction based on shap analysis: a simple and trustworthy approach
CS Kumar, MNS Choudary, VB Bommineni, G Tarun, T Anjali

An IoT based system for domestic air quality monitoring and cooking gas leak detection for a safer home
K Gupta, GG Krishna, T Anjali

Emotion based music playlist recommendation system using interactive chatbot
A Nair, S Pillai, GS Nair, T Anjali

Conference room booking application using flutter
A Praveen, K Nanda, N Rajith, N Giriraj, R Radhika, N Mahesh, K Vishnu, ...