Vinny Junior Foba Kakeu | Electrical engineering | Best Researcher Award

University Of Douala, Cameroon

Author Profile

Early Academic Pursuits

Vinny Junior Foba Kakeu demonstrated exceptional academic performance from an early age. He completed his Baccalaureate in electrical engineering with honors in 2014/2015, being recognized as the regional major. This academic excellence continued throughout his studies at ENSET Douala and IUT Douala, where he consistently achieved top ranks and honors. Notably, he obtained the DIPET 1 and DIPET 2 in electrical engineering with honors, securing the best end-of-study project and dissertation awards. His relentless pursuit of knowledge culminated in a Master 2 Research degree from the University of Douala in 2021/2022, where he was the valedictorian and best end-of-study dissertation awardee.

Professional Endeavors

Vinny's professional journey began with academic internships at LMP Construction and SETCAM in 2016 and 2017, respectively. These internships provided practical experience in the field of electrical engineering. Since 2021, he has been imparting his knowledge as a part-time teacher at various prestigious institutions, including ENSET University of Douala, IUT University of Douala, ISETAG, IUGET, and the NDI-SAMBA Polytechnic Institute. His teaching repertoire includes a wide range of subjects, from network simulation and energy quality to electromagnetic compatibility and intelligent networks. In addition, since December 2021, he has been assigned to MBANGA Technical High School, contributing significantly to the educational development in the region.

Contributions and Research Focus

His contributions to the field of electrical engineering and artificial intelligence are substantial. His research focuses on optimizing energy efficiency, supervised deep learning applications for engineering problems, and the analysis of smart grids using deep learning tools. He has been a scientific researcher in the field of deep learning and artificial intelligence algorithms, publishing numerous scientific articles and books. His notable research works include projects on the design and production of an autonomous mobile robot controlled by Bluetooth and optimizing the reliability of smart grids using the PSO algorithm.

Accolades and Recognition

Throughout his academic and professional career, His received numerous accolades. He was the top student in his classes multiple times and was honored with the best end-of-study project and dissertation awards during his DIPET 1, DIPET 2, and Master 2 Research studies. His dedication to excellence has been consistently recognized, highlighting his profound impact on his peers and the academic community.

Impact and Influence

His impact extends beyond teaching and research. He has been a reviewer for many scientific journals, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in his field. His scientific publications have been widely recognized and cited, influencing ongoing research in smart grids, deep learning, and energy optimization. His collaborative works with other researchers have resulted in significant advancements, such as fault detection, classification, and location in power distribution smart grids using smart meters data.

Legacy and Future Contributions

His legacy is marked by his contributions to academia, research, and practical applications in electrical engineering and artificial intelligence. His work on smart grids and deep learning has set a foundation for future innovations in these fields. As an author and educator, he continues to inspire and mentor the next generation of engineers and researchers. His future contributions are anticipated to further advance the optimization of energy efficiency and the application of deep learning in engineering, solidifying his role as a pioneer in his field.

Notable PublicationsĀ 

A review of Cameroonian medicinal plants with potentials for the management of the COVID-19 pandemic

Optimal reliability of a smart grid

Fault detection, classification and location in power distribution smart grid using smart meters data

Fault diagnosis of an induction motor based on fuzzy logic, artificial neural network and hybrid system

Sliding mode control of a three-phase parallel active filter based on a two-level voltage converter

A hybrid model for forecasting the consumption of electrical energy in a smart grid

Implementation of quadratic dynamic matrix control on arduino due ARM cortex-M3 microcontroller board

Optimal reconfiguration of power distribution systems based on symbiotic organism search algorithm

Forecasting of electrical energy consumption of households in a smart grid

A novel smart method for state estimation in a smart grid using smart meter data

Vinny Junior Foba Kakeu | Electrical engineering | Best Researcher Award

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